Week long riding sessions offered 9am-noon during the months of June, July and August. Participants will learn about horse care, grooming, tack as well as more advanced horsemanship lessons like first aid or nutrition. Riding lesson each day as well as games or crafts that are horse related. Space is limited to 6 students ages 8 or up* (students in regular riding program with trainer recommendation can particpate at age 6 and up).
For current schedules – Call (239)-595-7618
Summer Fun Days
Available Monday-Thursday 9am-11am
$100/day Ages 5 and up – crafts/games and horseback fun
June/July/ August
Cornerstone Farm loves to HORSE SHOW and have FUN Together! Join us for some of our summer adventures! Bring your horse or lease one of ours!!! Riders walk trot and up can particpate!
Kentucky Horse Park July/August
World Equestrian Center June/July/August
Tryon, NC Saugerties, NY HITS and Aiken SC!
Horsemanship Classes
Cornerstone Farm offers non-mounted instruction with many opportunities to participate in hands on horsemanship. From first aid to grooming and as advanced as trailer safety and riding theory. Classes are offered during the school year on a semester basis and during the summer as “alacarte” clinics for ages 8 through adult.
Call 239-595-7618 or email for more info!
Riding Clinic Series
Cornerstone Farm is offering a series of clinics to be held this summer on several different topics! Sessions are open to six riders and participants can bring their own horse OR ride one of ours!
Advance registration is required – please call 239-595-7618 or email for more info and registration.
• Equitation – How to Get Noticed/Medal Prep
• How to Transition into the Jumper Ring
• How to Ride a Smooth Course
• Dressage Basics for Hunter/Jumpers
• Show Grooming – How to make your horse SHINE!
**Discounts for CSF Students OR Riders participating in two or more clinics!
Lesson Options:
Tiny Tots
CSF offers a Special Program for ages 4-6. Young Riders receive one on one instruction in safety, grooming, riding, horse care and proper Equestrian Etiquette!
Private or Semi-Private Lessons only – space limited due to one on one instruction
Weekly Lessons
Weekly lesson packages are available for students ages 6-adult on all levels! We have safe, proven lesson horses for all levels of riding. Students not only learn riding basics but also proper horsemanship skills such as grooming, tacking up and horse care. New students start in private lessons but can transition into semi-private or group lessons (group lessons limited to max of 3-4 riders). Every lesson student/parent meets with Leslie to set individual short and long term goals every year to ensure progress!
Traveling Show Team
Cornerstone Farm has a very active Traveling Show Team. All ages and abilities can participate from Beginner Walk Trot riders all the way to Upper Level Hunters, Jumpers and Equitation.
Cornerstone Farm is a program with limited enrollment and delivers GREAT RESULTS in the show ring. CSF Horses and riders have earned National Championships and qualified for many National Finals. The Team has won over 835 Regional Year End Awards and more than 1000+ Local Year End Championships. Show Team Riders DO NOT have to own a horse – CSF has many show quality horses available to lease for riders enrolled in the lesson program.
Our team regularly competes all over the state of Florida attending schooling shows as well as rated shows. Cornerstone competes at World Equestrian Center, HITS in both Ocala and New York as well as the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington. The farm takes a summer adventure show trip to locations such as Vermont Summer Classic, Kentucky Summer Classic and the Horse Park in Virginia or Aiken SC. CSF Riders have won many Circuit Champions and Reserve Champions at the HITS Festival in Ocala and New York. Riders and horses have qualified and won ribbons for USEF National Pony Finals, Junior Hunter Championships, USET Medal Finals, and the Marshall and Sterling National Finals as well as Green Incentive Finals and the International Hunter Derby Finals in KY.
Interested in joining our team? For more detailed list of results please see our Student Accomplishments!
Adult Riding
CSF offers a program tailored to the adult rider looking to ride for the FIRST time—or brushing up on skills from the past! Timid or Bold! We cater to BOTH! Classes offered in both the AM & PM for busy schedules!