Cornerstone Farm has a strong belief that outside instruction is crucial to improving an overall horse and rider. Participation in outside educational clinics and events is highly encouraged.
The farm has offered clinics at our facility and has also helped organize and sponsor events offsite. Students are encouraged to ride in USHJA sponsored clinics and the Young Riders Program as well as the Varsity Rider Program through USEF. Our trainers also attend additional training and continued education events through the USHJA Trainer’s Symposium/Certification Events and through NAHRA and CHA.
CSF has participated in or offered clinics with Debbie and Steve Stephens, Scott Hofstedder, Paddy Downing Nyegard, Linda Healey, Norman Dello Joio, Kris Kappler, Jeff Cook, Mary Lu Gallagher, Don Stewart, Meredith Gallagher and Richard Watson.
Cornerstone Farm will host the First Annual Horse and Hound Expo coming soon encouraging the local horse community to come together to learn wellness care, emergency management and advanced disaster planning, as well as offering clinics on farrier care, equine dental work, massage therapy, acupuncture and supportive therapies.
The staff and students of CSF are always looking for educational opportunities so that we can be well rounded in our equestrian endeavors and to keep striving for excellence in all that we do!